Rug Show Industries
P.O. Box 1079 New Tazewell, TN. 37824 USA
1-888-517-RUGS (7847) or 423-494-7349
Email Address:


Let Rug Show create a unique wall mural for your bowling center, skating center, or entertainment facility. Using 100% nylon class A fire-rated carpet for walls, these
blacklight/neon carpet colors are perfect for your glow bowl. We offer six stocking
blacklight/neon colors which are neon blue, neon green, neon purple, neon orange, neon
pink and neon yellow. We also can custom dye with certain minimum orders required.

bowling mazeshowboatwallmural

brandon bowldaytona bowling 4

These are but a few examples of our work at various bowling centers. Use your imagination for your design and let us update your facility today.

rocketbowlpalmbowlballoon overview 001


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